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Islam And Modren Science By Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

Islam And Modren Science Urdu Scientific Islamic Research Book

اسلام اور جدید سائنس از ڈاکٹر طاہرالقادری


This Urdu Book is regarding the link between Islam and science.Islam and trendy Science area unit closely associated with one another.For the historical development of science within the Muslim world,see Science in medieval Islam.For the assumption that the Qur'an scriptural clairvoyance prophesied scientific theories and discoveries we have a tendency to should browse this PDF book.From AN Muslim position,science,the study of nature,is considered to be coupled to the idea of Tau-heed (the unity of God),as area unit all alternative branches of data.This link implies a sacred facet to the pursuit of knowledge base by Muslims,as nature itself is viewed within the Qur'an as a compilation of signs inform to the Divine.In short,This book may be a fine addition to our Muslim Books section.

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Book Title :

                    Islam And Modren Science

Book Writer :

                    Dr. Tahir ul Qadri

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                                    Islam or jadeed Science By Dr. Tahir ul Qadri    

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