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Sexual Problems


Sexual Problems

سیکس کےبارے میں مسائل


Sexual Problems of Mans and Womans.

Sexual Problems

                                                Sexual Problems By Dr. Syed Mobeen Akhter is an urdu informational book. it is about the sex education. all about the sex are deal in urdu. this pdf sex book having many informative information about the sexual problems. these sex problems discuss in this book about both male and female. what age of children age when telling these education. or convey the sex message into child brain in proper age.all serious matter of sex in regular life may be discus in this sex book. in this book you used all information in positive manners not used as negative. free download urdu sex education book which get through out from tension free.

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          Please Used this Book in Positive Sense, or not used in negative. Its very helpful for very younger boys and girls. It is necessary to every person whatever who male or female. Because every child become a father and mother.(After his expire Date of Childhood.Hahahaaaa. Just Jock)
Here I am Share My Opinion in terms of Sense and Security. I am read some content of this book and observe may many of the information are Right way but some content of this book which writer are trying to understand the sex education or sexual body parts of human to the children in specific age of  2 years or 3 years. I think it is not right time. my opinion in this age of children mind are not capable to understand of that education in right way and measure the Quality of Sense. but these information are telling to the children in proper age. e.g when he grow and go to 12 to 14 year ( for boy) and 10 to 12 year age of girls. I think its best and also Here parents used common sense what age of her children suit for these information.
But every person have different mind and have different thought. So he have right to deny above statement. Below Image Show where above statement find.

Book Title :

                     Sexual Problems

Book Writer :

                     Dr. Syed Mobeen Akhter

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