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Jogi By Khushi Muhammad Nazir


Jogi By Khushi Muhammad Nazir

جوگی نظم از خوشی  محمد ناظر


Jogi By Khushi Muhammad Nazir

Jogi Nazam

                                                Jogi By Khushi Muhammad Nazir is classical urdu nazam. it is written almost 1 century. this is a very beautiful poetry in which jogi tells his expression.this jogi book are related to urdu adab section because it is a content of nazam. this nazam are include pakistani educational nisab. the jogi nazam book quality are very good.this have two parts of nazam which are in one book.


Jogi is of a classic poem title which is written in the Urdu language by Chaudhary Khushi Muhammad Nazir sahib. The poem have two parts, first part was written in 1903 and the concluding Second part was written in 1934.

In the poem first part, poet describes meeting between protagonist and jogi or a recluse, in the mountains of Kashmir. The poet trying to convince jogi to come back in the city and take part in his real life. Here the jogi pick up points the negative things which occurred in the life, or different way like in society greed, materialism, selfish, struggles and argues that his lifestyle is superior.and In the second part writer poet seeks out the jogi again and describes to him the divisive communal strife in Asian India.

"The description of natural beauty in the poem is superb. Several generations of Urdu speaking in 
  India and Pakistan have grown up with the poem".

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                     Khushi Muhammad Nazir

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